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          About Us

          Historical Review Previous Leaders
          Photo Sidelights Video sidelights
          Awards Record of Guangzhou Acrobatic Arts Theatre Co., Ltd.





          Gala to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


          Acrobatic Performance

          The 1st Prize

          “Rolling with Glasses”

          The 1st Prize for Performance

          The 5th “Le Cirque de Demain” International Acrobatic Contest in France,


          “Rolling with Glasses”

          Mayor of Chartres Award

          “Head Balancing of Bowls”

          Gold Award - The Presidential Award of the French Republic

          The 1st National Acrobatics Competition


          “Modern Magic”

          Bronze Award

          “Acrobatics on Balanced Ladder”

          Bronze Award

          The 2nd National Acrobatics Competition


          “Phantom of Lights”

          Outstanding Program Award, Innovation Award

          The 1st National New Sprout Cup Acrobatics Competition


          “Catching Bowls on a High Unicycle”

          Gold Medal

          The 2nd Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival


          “Head Balancing of Bowls”

          Bronze Lion Award

          The 7th Italy International Harlequins Competition



          The 3rd Place

          The 3rd National Acrobatics Competition


          “On Racing Tracks”

          Silver Lion Award

          “High Steel Wire Acts”

          Silver Lion Award

          “Ancient Trick of Colors”

          Bronze Lion Award

          The 2nd National New Sprout Cup Acrobatics Competition


          “Duo Spinning of Blankets”

          Silver Medal

          “Ship Styling”

          Bronze Medal

          The 6th Premiere on Stage International Acrobatics Match in Monaco


          “Duo Spinning of Blankets”

          Gold K Prize

          The 4th National Acrobatics Competition


          "Diving through Hoops on Trampolines"

          Golden Lion Prize, Prop Prize of the Golden Lion Awards

          “Magic Show - Going through the Heart”

          Golden Lion Prize, Innovation Prize of the Golden Lion Awards

          The 5th Wuqiao International Acrobatics Festival


          "Diving through Hoops on Trampolines"

          Honor Prize of Golden Lion Awards

          “Magic Show - Going through the Heart”

          Honor Prize of Golden Lion Awards

          The 9th Road of Hope International Circus Festival in Belgium


          "Diving through Hoops on Trampolines"

          Gold Medal

          The 3rd Wuhan International Acrobatic Arts Festival



          Specially Invited Performance Award

          1996 National Magic and Wonders Competition


          Magic: “Tricks of Pigeons”, “Sky-full of Stars”

          Bronze Medal

          The 9th Premiere on Stage International Acrobatics Match in Monaco


          Head Balancing of Glasses on Swing

          Gold K Prize,Mayor of Monaco Award

          Ball Feat

          Silver K Award, Lawworth Hotel Award

          The 3rd National Acrobatics Competition for Youths


          “Duo Head Balancing of Bowls”

          Innovation Prize of Golden Lion Awards

          “Ball Feat”

          Golden Lion Award, Innovation Award

          “Ladder Skills”

          Silver Lion Award

          The 1st National Comic Contest of China Acrobatics Golden Chrysanthemum Awards


          “Uncle Clown”

          Gold Medal

          “Ferrule Game”

          Special Award

          The 71st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Magicians


          “Magic Show - Going through the Heart”

          The Third place of Golden Awards

          The 1st Lausanne International Acrobatics Festival in Swiss


          “The Balancing of Bowls”

          Bronze Award

          The 5th National Acrobatics Competition


          “Chasing the Sun - Acrobatics on Swinging Poles”

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards, Innovation Award, Choreography Award

          “Golden Aspirations - Ball Feat”

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards, Teacher Award, Choreography


          “The Sons of the Sun - Flying Trapeze”

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards, Teacher Award

          “New Version of Heading the Vat”

          Bronze Prize of Golden Lion Awards

          The First National Magic Competition of China Acrobatic Golden Chrysanthemum Awards


          “Chinese Tricks - The Cover”

          Gold Prize of Golden Chrysanthemum Awards

          The 14th Road of Hope International Acrobatics Competition in Belgium


          “Chasing the Sun - Acrobatics on Swinging Poles”

          Gold Award, the Best Public Award and the Children Judges Award.

          The 4th National Acrobatic Competition for Youths of Golden Lion Awards


          "Fly - Diving through Hoops on Trampolines"

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards, Teacher Award

          “Dreams in Outer Space - Contortions”

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards, Teacher Award

          “Active Lads - Hats Juggling”

          Silver Lion Award, Performance Award, Choreography Award

          “Chinese Dolls - Diabolo”

          Silver Lion Award, Choreography Award, Teacher Award

          “Golden Aspirations - Ball Feat”

          Silver Lion Award, Teacher Award

          The 9th Wuqiao International Acrobatic Arts Festival


          “Golden Aspirations - Ball Feat”

          Golden Lion Honor Award

          The 18th Monte Carlo "Magic Star" International Magic Competition


          “Tricks of Clocks”

          The 3rd Place

          The 6th National Acrobatics Competition


          “Sunshine Girls - Gymnastic Acrobatics”

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards, Choreography Award, Stage Art Award, Performance Award

          "Go Beyond - Diving through Hoops on Trampolines"

          Gold Prize of Golden Lion Awards

          “Pursuit - Acrobatics on Russian Bars”

          Gold Award, Performance Award, Choreography Award, Teacher Award

          “Youthful Rhythms - Diabolo on Tiptoes”

          Silver Medal, Teacher Award

          “Heroic Boys - Slack Wire Acts”

          Silver Award, Prop Award, Teacher Award

          The 29th Monte Carlo International Circus Festival.


          “Sunshine Girls - Gymnastic Acrobatics”

          Silver Clown Award

          “Youthful Rhythms - Diabolo on Tiptoes”

          Silver Clown Award

          The 5th Moscow International Youth Acrobatics Competition.


          “Heroic Boy Slack Wire Acts”

          Gold Award

          The 5th National Acrobatics Competition for Youths


          “Heroic Boy Slack Wire Acts”

          Silver Prize of Wenhua Awards

          Performances of Outstanding Repertoire of the 1st National Song, Dance and Acrobatics Theme Shows


          Acrobatic Drama “Journey to the West”

          The First Prize

          The 31st Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival.


          “Golden Aspirations - Ball Feat”

          Silver Clown Award

          The 8th China Art Festival


          Acrobatic Drama “Journey to the West”

          The 12th Wenhua Grand Prize, the Audience Most Favorite Repertory Award, Wenhua Choreography Award, Wenhua Music Creation Award, Wenhua Stage Art (Costumes Design) Award, Wenhua Stage Art (Lighting Design) Award, Audience Favorite Actor Award

          The 32nd Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival.


          "Gymnastics on Vertical Moving Slack Wire"

          Golden Clown Award

          "Diving through Hoops on Trampolines"

          International Children's Jury Award

          The 2nd National Acrobatics Competition of the 7th Golden Chrysanthemum Awards of China


          Acrobatic Drama “Journey to the West”

          Gold Award, Best Choreography Award, Best Music Award, Best Stage Art Award, Best Costumes Award

          2007-2008 National Masterpieces of Stage Art Project


          Acrobatic Drama “Journey to the West”

          Key Project Financed by National Masterpieces of Stage Art Project (Phase II)

          The 9th National Minority Traditional Sports Games


          “Jumping Rhythm-Russian Bar”

          The First Prize

          The 10th China Acrobatics Festival of Golden Chrysanthemum Awards


          “Bamboo Rhyme - Gymnastics on Vertical Moving Slack Wire”

          Acrobatic Program Award

          The 41st "Le Cirque de Demain” World Circus Festival in France


          "Gymnastics on 

          Vertically Moving Slack Wire"

          The Presidential Prize of the French Republic

          About Us
          Team Introduction Team Structure Team Honor Historical Review
          Programs Introduction
          Acrobatic Dramas Excellent Programs
          News Behind the Scenes
          Domestic Cultural Exchanges International Cultural Exchange Photos and Videos
          Business Cooperation
          Big Event Support Theatre Rental Corporate Sponsorship
          Contact Us
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