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          About Us

          Historical Review Previous Leaders
          Photo Sidelights Video sidelights
          Art And Love Create Classics!

          Every scene is an elaborate work, every scene is a fantastic journey.

          Founded in 1959, Guangzhou Acrobatic Troupe of China was reformed and renamed as Guangzhou Acrobatic Arts Theater Co., Ltd. in 2009. Inheriting and developing traditional Chinese acrobatic art with modern dance, rhythmic gymnastics, theater and other arts, the company keeps innovating and reforming and is able to stand out with a unique Cantonese performing style. With a pool of more than 100 talented acrobats, creative choreographers, stage art and engineering professionals, the Guangzhou Acrobatic Arts Theater Co., Ltd. is a vigorous presenter of acrobatic arts and has won more than 100 prizes and titles in different kinds of acrobatic competitions or festivals both at home and abroad.

          About Us
          Team Introduction Team Structure Team Honor Historical Review
          Programs Introduction
          Acrobatic Dramas Excellent Programs
          News Behind the Scenes
          Domestic Cultural Exchanges International Cultural Exchange Photos and Videos
          Business Cooperation
          Big Event Support Theatre Rental Corporate Sponsorship
          Contact Us
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