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          Programs Introduction

          Historical Review Previous Leaders
          Photo Sidelights Video sidelights
          "Inheritance - Hoops Diving"
          Acrobatics and martial arts are the artistic treasures of traditional Chinese culture. They are derived from the same origin and of the same blood. The program shows a group of young martial arts students who dive through, jump and shuttle a circle of hoops high and low, kneading Wing Chun Kung Fu into each difficult move. They are as light as flying swallows, full of masculinity, bringing the essence, energy and spirit of acrobatics and martial arts to the fullest.

          About Us
          Team Introduction Team Structure Team Honor Historical Review
          Programs Introduction
          Acrobatic Dramas Excellent Programs
          News Behind the Scenes
          Domestic Cultural Exchanges International Cultural Exchange Photos and Videos
          Business Cooperation
          Big Event Support Theatre Rental Corporate Sponsorship
          Contact Us
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