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          Programs Introduction

          Historical Review Previous Leaders
          Photo Sidelights Video sidelights
          "Golden Imagination - Ball Feat"
          The golden age has created a golden road, and the golden years are chasing golden dreams! This program, first created by us, received the Golden Lion Award in the 5th National Acrobatic Competition and the "Silver Clown" Award in the 31st Monte Carlo International Acrobatic Festival. The girls use high-level techniques such as double pedaling, throwing, passing, and picking up, so that each golden seed will jump in the dream world, turning the stage into a beautiful golden picture.

          About Us
          Team Introduction Team Structure Team Honor Historical Review
          Programs Introduction
          Acrobatic Dramas Excellent Programs
          News Behind the Scenes
          Domestic Cultural Exchanges International Cultural Exchange Photos and Videos
          Business Cooperation
          Big Event Support Theatre Rental Corporate Sponsorship
          Contact Us
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