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          Acrobatic Ballet "Swan Lake"

          The Acrobatic Ballet "Swan Lake" was launched in the Eighth Military Performing Arts Festival of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in September 2004, and won ten awards including the Repertory Award, the First Prize for Acrobatic Creation, the First Prize for Acrobatic Performance, and the First Prize for Overall Stage Design.  The People's Daily reported on October 27, 2004 with the title "SWAN LAKE Causes the Acrobatic Revolution".  More than 100 well-known media at home and abroad gave good reports and comments.

          On November 28, 2006 acrobatic ballet "Swan Lake" was also selected and announced as one of the "Top Ten Excellent Repertoires" for 2005-2006 of the National Stage Art Project jointly implemented by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance in Beijing.  The evaluation published at the same time stated: "The acrobatic ballet ‘Swan Lake’ is the perfect unity of the dance and music of the beautiful Russian classic ballet ‘Swan Lake’ with the characteristic and high-level acrobatic art.  Its artistic imagination and modeling ability have won unanimous praise from audiences and artists."

          The Chinese acrobatic ballet "Swan Lake" has been performed 273 shows so far.  It toured the Shanghai Grand Theater, Beijing Poly Theater, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka), Germany (Hamburg, Munich, Dortmund, Cologne, Bremen), Switzerland (Newcastle, Basel), United Kingdom (London, Manchester), Vienna of Austria, etc., as well as other places in China, attracted 505,536 audiences.  It is sought after by audiences both at home and abroad.  Every touring place abroad sold extra seats, and some even sold standing tickets.  It was highly praised by government officials, social celebrities, media, public and audiences.

          Bai Shuxiang, Chairman of the Chinese Dancers Association, said: "Acrobatic Ballet ‘Swan Lake’ combines ballet with difficult acrobatics, giving people the enjoyment of beauty.  This creation gives acrobatics a mind and soul."  After watching the show, Vice Minister Chen Xiaoguang of the Ministry of Culture of PRC said excitedly: "I have never used the word ‘huge’ to describe a performance before. Today I want to use the word ‘huge’ to describe the success of your acrobatic ballet show ‘Swan Lake’."

          The acrobatic ballet "Swan Lake" has also achieved success in foreign performances.  The Russian "Merchant" website commented on the Internet: "Chinese acrobatic ballet ‘Swan Lake’ has since had a business card in European languages that can be sent to the world."  Tokyo media praised: "The Chinese acrobatic ballet ‘Swan Lake’ is not only a fine Chinese art boutique, but also an Asian boutique, as well as a fine art masterpiece of the world.”

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